A Dangerous Thing
Prayer is a dangerous thing. As I was thinking about things this morning, I thought about the Katrina disaster and then I though about the earthquake in Pakistan. I thought of the many prayers and much mindfulness given to New Orleans last month. Then I thought about how little I am reminded to pray for Pakistan, though its deaths are between 20-3oK people, with 2.5 MILLION homeless (without hope of refuge or comforts as we have). By comparison, it makes Katrina look like a trivial event. What a horrible thing to happen in Asia! Yet, I wonder what leads to less mindfulness and decrease in prayer....perhaps prejudice, apathy, hatred in the heart? Certainly they're far away, but 30K dead voices are very loud. 2.5 million homeless are louder. It comes down to simply being unloving for we are plainly told by Him, "Love as I have loved you." May we find mercy and forgiveness from Him and press on to love without partiality (see James' book among others on this).
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