A week off
This week is China's National Day week. It celebrates the founding of the country's present form of establishment, from when Mao Ze Dong set up the present government in 1949. It's basically their 'independence day'. The school's around China shut down for a week. It's a good time to catch up on stuff, like grading. In light of the holiday, I suppose, Selah and her class got to raise the Chinese flag and sing the national anthem. We didn't hear about it unti after the fact, but all the kids rotate this job apparantly. The school threw a banquet for the foreigners (us). Yep, it's a little bit weird for people to ask, "So how did you spend National Day?" We're like, "Uhh, we didn''t....It's not our national day" Of course, we wouldn't say it like that but, with all the hoopla recently, you would think we were Chinese citizens.
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