Friday, December 03, 2004

"From Fear to Freedom"

A teammate gave me a book that I wanted to share from. It's called "From Fear to Freedom" by Rose Marie Miller. I just started it, but she gives some great wisdom in the opening chapter.

In order for me to find freedom and continue to live it out in my life, He needed to name my unnamed problem. His definition was, "Rose Marie, you have the mindset of an orphan." This is how the orphan mental attitude works"

Life consciously or unconsciously is centered on personal autonomy and moral will power, with grace understood as His maintaining your own strength-not as his transforming power.

Faith is defined as trying harder to do and be better, with a view to establishing a good record leading to self-justification

Obedience is related to external, visible duties, with attitueds and deeper motivation virtually ignored.

"What people think" is represented as the real moral standard, based upon visible success and failure.

An I-am-a-victim attitude is supported by coping strategies, wall building, blame shifting, gossiping and defending.

Oh how often i have believed these same things to be. I have fallen into the trap that I have enough power in myself to make myself good. My friend Paul wrote a letter to some Romans that talks a lot about how we can do nothing good apart from a Greater Source.
