Thursday, October 14, 2004

Some meaningful conversation

We had a wonderful time tonight with students. We visited with some young women (post-graduate students) in our home for desserts.

They were so inquisitive. In their class, we discuss a lot of philosophical, ethical, and meaningful topics because Brad is trying to teach them abstract conversation skills, since they are advanced english learners.

It has spurred on a lot of excellent questions. Tonight we were asked what is the meaning of life and how would we define beauty.

In class, Brad has explored with them various topics about values, beliefs, and meaning. In the process, they have seen the meaninglessness of many things in life. In a way, they are on a journey like the ancient king Solomon, who examined his life in his autobiography.

One student said that she hurt inside (in her heart) because she has been thinking hard about what is truly important and has found some things lacking meaning. We shared with her the lyrics of a song we have heard that says, "Everybody says they need just one thing. What they really mean is that they need just one thing more." If we strive for something with so much energy, but find it unsatisfying, then that thing was not what we really wanted in the first place.

We would all do well be to be reminded that our hope in life is to pursue and enjoy that one thing, which completely satsifies.